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Preventing Loss With Plans for Safety and Following Them Please

Sharing Kaelan Palmer Paton's Legacy To Draw On His Courage, Skill and Great Love

on Tue, 12/21/2021 - 03:50

Song for Kaelan Paton (1-6-1993 to 6-16-2009)-- by Catherine Palmer Paton, his mom on 6-16-2011

Here's to our Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton

Who acted without hesitation

To do all he could to save each friend

Even if that might mean his end.

After school their group headed to the river

Trusting all to the life giver

To keep them safe as they jumped and swam

Celebrating summer and ways to win.

Yet whitewater trapped three boys

Kaelan hand-signalled "9-1-1" amidst loud noise.

Kaelan saved John and Richie by reaching out a hand

Skillfully and bravely while barely on land.

But to save