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"2017 Making Brooklyn Bloom Conference" At Botanic Garden, yes in Brooklyn NY! March 11th, 11-4p

on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 22:25

It's one thing to think spring and gardening (and the regreening of plan-it heart/ earth) but another to have a bunch of amazing people think to hold a Free Event at a lovely location where folks can literally walk to it (love that about the city...) Such is the case on March 11, 2017 at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I am relaying that much off a newsletter I got from a Community Garden I am lucky to be part of (for only $25 a season).

I should be helping host open public hours on the weekend and hopefully will do more than have fun when I can there, even without having a garden plot or

Anyone Curious about The Death and Afterlife Summit (and online program)? Not to rush things but many say there is a lot to consider that could help one and others 'on the other side'...

on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 22:09

The headline for this is likely a post's worth. I get lots of offers online as I'm sure everyone does now that Facebook does ads and there are those fancy-schmancy funnels to Drive ads and events to your emails. Of course you may click to get the motherload of offers so Be Careful (of which email you have them sent to less you miss important financial notices from your college student's account and other family or news of note.

Anyone Curious about The Death and Afterlife Summit (and online program)? Not to rush things but many say there is a lot to consider that could help one and others 'on the other side'...

on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 22:09

The headline for this is likely a post's worth. I get lots of offers online as I'm sure everyone does now that Facebook does ads and there are those fancy-schmancy funnels to Drive ads and events to your emails. Of course you may click to get the motherload of offers so Be Careful (of which email you have them sent to less you miss important financial notices from your college student's account and other family or news of note. needs Our $upport of any amount:Free Speech and Investigative Reporting!

on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 17:04

Here's a heavy-hearted response to  the litany of Presidential (and Republican)'mandates' or requests in his Address to Congress. Some of what he proposes will run $54 Billion more for the Defense Dept (I read from a post on Marshall Miles' site...who oversees the smallest NPR radio station in the nation,

 As millions marching since he was elected to Show Concern and Dire Need to For Democracy to function, it's time for Everyone To Listen and Learn about what few rights anyone may have left in terms of Civil Rights, Working and Seeing  Land of Liberty for All.


From My Blog to Your To-Do List (Your Thyroid Will Thank You..) And Lots More About Life and Death, Healing and More!

on Tue, 02/28/2017 - 22:06 is the link you will want to click Today to sign up for a free week of talks on The Thyroid (yours, mine, everybody's). You'll probably want to thank me for trying to let you know in a timely fashion. You're Welcome! I only learned about it today while listening to my class from Suzanne O'Brien about being an End of Life Doula Caregiver, that is to say about death and dying and dealing with the aftermath of that for a family and friends right through a service and burial. She is breaking the ice on a topic most never brave talking about while alive.

I am also reading
