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February 2nd, 2020 Super Bowl Sunday Plus So Much More! Heading off to a Wonderful Trip in Hawaii and the Southwestern part of the US!

on Sun, 02/02/2020 - 22:39

With plenty of pleasant routines in the tri-corne of CT after primarily being in Brooklyn for the past few years, I thought I'd seen most of the world that I wanted to see. I did my one big trek around the US 35 years ago... for a few months, seeing family, friends, national parks and lots of the highway. Even a plane ride, a drive up the California coast after the Grand Canyon and meeting a lot of family in the NM area. 

I have had some time to think about that lovely venture and be grateful that it came at a time when I had felt the difficult loss of a friend at Vassar whose life ended in

Great to Appreciate One Another and Contribute to Volunteer Efforts With Thanks All Around

on Thu, 01/30/2020 - 20:33
To the Editor (of The Lakeville Journal of CT, a paper that's getting $100K in donations to help meet their Million Dollar Annual Buget and not face the fate of 2000 other newspapers that have gone belly up and out of business in recent years in America. Not a fight for the top but rather just to stay in the game! Kudos to all braving getting the word out as well as 'Using our words to put down the swords of despair, confusion, isolation, limited or harmful thinking, difficulty and danger of all kinds...--That's by me as is this note, Catherine Palmer Paton)
Thanks in advance for taking time

Reflections On Pacing Education for Everybuddy's Benefit (from Region One in NWCT and Elsewhere)

on Thu, 01/30/2020 - 20:27

I have offered the idea for a couple of decades to get people to put their children into full day kindergarten at age 6 or 7...and then by middle school kids would be 14-15 so likely could go to the high school and transition accordingly.

More programs for infants (even expecting parents...and new people ages in utero, to newborn through their first year of life--outside the womb, to age 7 to allow more options for care and interaction among children and families and communities would be ideal.)

All of that should be free...and while that sounds 'impossible' large scale, plenty of towns

Inspired by Many, How About You? See for info on The Unsinkable Conference online

on Thu, 01/30/2020 - 13:13

We all know what a challenging week it's been with not only the impeachment playing out like a high drama mini-series (thankfully without the kind of violence that can go with legal cases and the big leagues..)

But with more open discussions of 'all things in the news, past, present and future' with sexual assault cases...the 'He Said, She Said, Blame the Victim at least a little or a lot, get different scenarios cooked up to make it look like it Was the victim's fault-- of any age, gender and so on, even with the loss of children to abusive parents or a legal spouse or co-parent to the

Marshall Miles Interviews Lynn M on Robinhood Radio about Death Cafe

on Wed, 01/29/2020 - 22:54  is the site to find an inteview with Lynn Martorell on a Death Cafe she is hosting at the DM Hunt Library on 2/13/20 in Falls Village CT to consider aspects of transition, dying, death and the aftermath for a family, friends and more. It's a safe place to explore questions, concerns and allow for a conversation to unfold...
There are many online sites coming round, such as Teaching Transitions and Thanks Lynn for doing the outreach...I'll be tuning in from a healing networking program near (and even on) the beach before long..
. Nice to have
