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Scoville Library of Salisbury CT has great Youtubes (for kids stories and big people's talks too)

on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 02:37

With kids out of school, check out the stories from Erin Simmons from years past on youtube on the Scoville Library's site Here's a nice sample from March 2013, and features The Little Red Hen, a nice theme for everyone as we face COVID19 or #CO19GO (Game On!) Also check out the adult programs recorded over the years. The Salisbury Forum as well as Kent Presents have recorded speakers worth a listen. For fun for all ages, see the Grumbling Gryphons online. That's for starters...

Good YouTube about Abuse... sad but she has heard from thousands she has inspired

on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 01:51  Abuse has a name but many victims, including this woman, didn't understand she was suffering from it until she learned of it from a counselor...Let's change that scenario along with all we are doing about COVID19, Let's #CancelAbuse!

Sharing Thoughts With Local Forum, Northwest Corner Chatter in CT. Hope you have such forums in your area online (and more with FB)

on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 00:26
Here's something to get us thinking collaboratively...
Best to all to have some simple routines and places to connect safely outdoors to see someone in passing (10 feet away etc) Maybe getting some personal microphones can assist people with saying hello to those farther away (with some planning for instance...)
Likely we could have some kind of 'safety booth set up' with panels of plexy glass to say hello to one another now and then...meanwhile there's and Facetime etc (which I haven't really used yet so likely more tech help and research online would

Rather Exciting to Have FB Live and Zoom Videos to See People and Connect (and Feel Better About Things!)

on Mon, 03/16/2020 - 23:43

 Who knew there was such a thing as a 'sound healing for microbes' offered by Actually I heard of it and then Met her in Hawaii and had a group sound session that was really amazing! She's uber talented with the singing bowls (which are lovely and have their own engaging qualities even when not played...just calming and some say 'energized' beyond what most might consider possible....they have gems (emerald, quartz, and other good guys like that) spun into the glass...)

Add the human voice with healing vibes and intuition...and whoknowswhatexactly but it truly is has great ideas to boost your attitude (and immune system quite likely) Great Docuseries from Hayhouse too 3/16-26 too for free live

on Mon, 03/16/2020 - 21:54

 Well with that much info in the title, I hardly need to say more. But I will before I head out for my fifth walk of the day (and too much salt in my diet which I fully vow to Cut Down since that can help with Blood Pressure.... no more chips and salty anything (overly so..)

Okay so the Hayhouse folks have a great offer up that let me know about. Why not go to her site first and get on her list for her free videos like I did and her newsletter..where maybe she will benefit if you sign up for the Docuseries via her site?

I don't get any sponsorships but am looking into
