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Sharing Thoughts With Local Forum, Northwest Corner Chatter in CT. Hope you have such forums in your area online (and more with FB)

on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 00:26
Here's something to get us thinking collaboratively...
Best to all to have some simple routines and places to connect safely outdoors to see someone in passing (10 feet away etc) Maybe getting some personal microphones can assist people with saying hello to those farther away (with some planning for instance...)
Likely we could have some kind of 'safety booth set up' with panels of plexy glass to say hello to one another now and then...meanwhile there's and Facetime etc (which I haven't really used yet so likely more tech help and research online would close that gap for more not in the loop...and well before the idea of plugging everyone who wants into the internet directly becomes a quick fix... n
Not to throw any one off, but I just heard of that kind of possibility the other day and think we may as well trcy to get clear on a lot of What IFs...that's an ongoing aspect of my blog, by the way... chatting away for over five years and reflecting on many events and programs that make for a wonderful community.
Review some to see what was going on in years past each season of the year like a community scrap book (with plenty of commentary and ideas and inspiration mixed in, plus questions and What IF we worked things one way vs another or had more time to prevent any number of difficulties and dangers...)
Well more people could chime in and even start their own forums with private or more public FB groups and so on..Thanks for this format and I'll put it on in case it doesn't make the cut here. I'll have a letter in this week's Lakeville Journal too about my recent trip out West..and back again, thankfully with no symptoms but still staying put for 'just in case...' like everybody else in recent days with the mandates