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Yes there's A Lot Going On This Summer and For You and Me...Let's Join Forces As Many Do in Groups Online and Be Part of the Healing and Shared Success!

on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 14:27
Wishing all well as school wraps up and summer opens up to fun and sharing the roads and time with others locally and passing through or here for the season.
Please let's 'allow space and second chances' to find ways to connect and respect one another. That said, if someone is not of your choosing...okay to 'step away or not engage, not read what is written (yes, even here or wherever) but hopefully find ways to bridge gaps through networks and consider if one is putting up walls where there could be windows. building bridges not a barriers 'forever.'
There are laws preventing contact among some people and may be necessary 'for a time' or if really a danger, even longer. That's hard to comprehend especially if sharing children, family, friends or were partnered legally or by choice or need
Since the Gabby Petito tragic crime, all young people need to hear how strong emotions can be (like drugs which can be addictive even after a single use but thankfully usually not. Still wiser to not go down that path if given the choice and guidance to realize what is legal can still wreak havoc on one's system and life (worth learning from those in open online or in person Al-Anon or AA or other 12 step programs whether for eating, shopping, gambling or being co-dependent.) is offering a nice workshop online which can be helpful to know about and of course to take...Here's a note I wrote to her and hope can inspire others to find more support online as we know there is lack of options for 'therapy' and support groups but that doesn't mean they're not out there. I've met Patty and been at a few of her in-person programs (one near Danbury just before a tornado touched down the next day, so hope the elements weren't rocked too much by a hundred people thinking great thoughts and showing support!)
To Patty Lennon for her offering, " Looks wonderful...thanks for lighting up our circles with promise at that special time of year"...and a time of remembrance for some of us especially in our area of lives 'on the brink' do to 'many forces' but some we can tame and, planning, respecting forces of water and keeping agreements among parents, teens and more... In the news, on his memorial service on youtube, and on my blog there is helpful information about our late CT teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton about his heroice passing saving friends in 2009.
The forces at the base of the falls and with whitewater need to be better understood to be avoided by swimming or jumping in with dicey factors like that...too close for danger for all, including rescuers so it's a definite "NO GO!" Jumping in water is not safe due to rocks and even the risk of slipping or falling (and not clearing what's below, something I once helped get people to understand who didn't seem to 'do the math') and serves to remind all to have clear safety plans with their kids and for all parents to be on board too (picking kids up from school is a RGI, Really Good Idea, this time of year or going with them on their bike outings to set safe places, not huge to steer clear and 'respect the edge of danger' in any situation by giving more physical, social and practical space rather than pushing limits...Hope that's helpful and applies to many 'iffy' situations...
Thanks for making the most of your day, life and opportunities even to help others and not hurt them (and again to look into the mirror for one's shadow side that may project fears and harm to others via ostracizing, blaming or scapegoating, and not finding ways to communicate or bridge awareness of needs and wants, and to find ways to craft clear safety plans going forward as an overall team and tribe living in an area with many shared resources for learning and making sense of our world.
See more in local papers such as The Lakeville Journal of CT (which is online too on and online forums...and let's aim for shared success on all fronts. The next generation and bigger world is counting on us. The struggles from the past may provide an insight into what many face on much larger or dangerous scales so we have the heart knowledge and wisdom more than not. Thanks to all faith, work, school, teams, family and friends efforts along with loners 'doing their thing' and hopefully all finding support online and in various groups. It can take years to tune into one's basic life path and what's needed to make progress but 'everything's speeding up and networks abound' so we should be making strides more readily and in a timely manner.