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Tough Topics to Keep in Mind and Review for Oneself and Check in with others about as is safe, especially anyone with kids or in a relationship

on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 17:34 

I'll put this on but hope some can skim thru and take a note or two...
Important to learn more about difficult topics and widespread realities many are facing
on many levels...the slights take away someone rights, lead to fights and ruin days and nights.
Why not turn things around in our own hearts and minds (and lots of support to do that
with online help such as and advocacy such as and
hopefully with real help (and sadly that's not often found from the professionals so doublecheck
so one is not put in a 'double vortex', being hurt by those thru neglect and put-downs when seeking
help even from those in circles of faith, family and friends...knowingly or not it's a serious set of
info that is needed and even those in medical or mental health or abuse fields often are clueless
or worse.
Somehow we need 'independent ratings' for every part of society to see if they've had
the proper training and skills and understand the complexities of societal systems including the
'justice system' and much more...
Let's help young people, especially girls and women understand
there's a not so secret set of wars going on and safety needs to be prioritized...Not easy to get 'on one's
own' but key to not give up hope in oneself and finding help over weeks, months, years and decades.
Abuse can be in any interaction (among people who know each other and even 'in the air') but maybe like FOG
(Fear, Obligation and Guilt) can lift with more education and advocacy. Far too many people in a 12-step program
may not find the help they need if they are victims and actually may get support if they are abusers (again in subtle or
overt ways...and hopefully the systems of NAMI, Domestic Abuse and Family Law will review the 12-step protocol and
advocate to not allow for crimes to be shared or known of without alerting perpetrators about boundaries and consequences.)
Some say the programs 'advocate in a basic way to be safe' but The Systems to Help someone like a woman leave an abusive
person especially with children are broken (and often not interested in being fixed. ) There's an article in The Epoch Times on 3/22/23
about SafeChildAct and what Atty Barry Goldstein and many advocates have been sharing on weekend conferences via
There's a lot to figure out to help youth, especially girls, understand their own power and growth, social
skills and literally staying safe from being put in compromised situations whether younger or into adulthood.
Not easy to accept 'this is a dangerous time even with cell phones and modern advances...' There are other talks on youtube on human trafficking...and it can happen among people one knows for work or abusive assaults a criminal gets paid for (and victims can be prosecuted for even though that is not supposed to be legal especially in the US.) So lots to ponder and hopefully as the public learns more and ways to advocate for everyone's dignity and respect we'll make strides on these basic human rights issues.
The astounding imbalance of wealth (67 families having half the wealth in the US is one I heard...and it used to be 400 families), and even a handful in the world having the wealth of half the world...all needs to help more people see the Bigger Problems and not focus on hurting others due to discontent over smaller matters. Some people make up problems or will not allow for 'help in processing conflicts from the past to make amends or encourage each person to be aware of their own feelings, beliefs and experience rather than project onto others or blame someone because it's convenient..."
Maybe a lot of education about Being Human over the life span with examples of the kinds of decisions or values one may need to learn about and feel safe about choosing with support would make sense. If people are too afraid or needy to be calm it's hard to think things through. The societal systems are not easy to understand and can 'stop as much as they have helped' upon graduation or summer vacation or someone moving away for a few years or more. There could be teams to help maintain some connections and grow in support as people may have life experiences with the help of people 'on their side' and helping guide them through difficulties to get more help or skills, loans or help with basics.
Many things can be addressed within a few months time to 'come up with a plan' while other issues, left unchecked can fester for years in isolated groups (cults, small groups or even larger ones and lots more...) Giving girls and women, and of course boys and men and others of course, chances to 'know what they may be missing' and ways to have help learning something or having ongoing support would make a world of difference. Thanks again for tuning into the underbelly side of life...and keeping a positive hope for healing and working with others for more truth and understanding to come our way in a timely fashion.