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Thanks for Keeping It on the Road of Safety and Respect whether Driving, Living or Swimming As the Weather Warms

on Sat, 03/25/2023 - 01:57

I want to give another 'shout out of thanks' to all who work in the field of Emergency Response Services. Minutes matter and the team work, mutual aid and of course skills, drive and abilities that people who train or otherwise pitch in to render service is incalculable. I do outreach 'starting about this time of year' to remind people to be extra careful around water (especially rivers and such that may be deep, fast, rocky or even lakes if people are drinking or pushing limits whether boating, swimming, jumping in when it's basically warm enough to do so without freezing and so on.)

There's plenty online about the loss of some in our area and others farther afield that could serve as warnings to all, especially youth and adventuresome types that nature has tremendous forces when it comes to water, currents and of course heights, rocks and other elements.

The memorial service on youtube of our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton of CT is in short parts and could be helpful to share with teens and others to understand that even without drugs or intentional dare devil tactics, tragic consequences can unfold among even a group of friends when near fast water.

Other losses many have heard of may have been linked to someone standing and falling off a boat (in the dark) or going off a rope swing (when drunk and in clothes and boots) or slipping when jumping and hitting a rock.

Don't mean to make light of any situation and want to encourage more responsible people (of all ages) to 'call it as they see it' and get help as early as possible by at least calling a friend or someone's parent to give people a heads up about a concerning activity and of course any danger.

Mainly people need to have a 'game plan' for what kids and even adults can do in terms of enjoying the outdoors with a buddy system of at least letting someone know where one is going (in the woods, on a hike, by or in water, and so on or on bike ride or even other travel by car, train and so on.)

"Everyone keeping track of themselves" would be a helpful step to curbing confusion and antics of 'getting lost in the crowd' and tricking adults about what one is doing. Parents and adults need to follow community guidelines to not create needless situations of danger and therefore rescues.

"It's almost that simple" with a great pay-off. Also all women can let men 'go first' when it comes to leaving school or an event since there can be a lot of speeding (from high school, sporting events.) It's a practical way to help more people not be at risk too if they don't drive when school is letting out (for optional drives for shopping etc)

I share lots more on and am happy to network with leaders and regular citizens to help make more inroads to safer living, driving and thriving with a sense of team and respect. Thanks for all everyone does along those lines... 'thinking and acting sober' and responsibly one day at a time!