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So Key Points for More Parents and Care Teams to Factor Into Camps, Plans and More

on Fri, 05/19/2023 - 00:24

From the posts about helping a youth attend camp, many people pop in on a FB thread with all sorts of 'what are you talking about and is this legit?' type questions and comments. Mostly I applaud their interest and advocacy and hope to become more in sync with the efforts and info any may be up for thinking about and sharing. So this came in from a recent post --someone thinking of the Bigger Issues I was discovering and sharing along the journey...of people helping people and creating more awareness of what each 'stakeholder' (whether family, youths, camps or programs, funders or community efforts and so on) needs and would appreciate or want to offer to grow up the next generation of kids (and their support team) with ease. 

Person One Response "I understand and I see this type of thing as a core issue of society in general. *IF* I understand you correctly, you are talking about the difficulties that are inherent to getting needed resources and help to community members outside the constraints of bureaucratic control. And the difficulty that individuals face when they need those resources. Did I get it?
I am aware of this problem as someone who works in healthcare, and also I started a home-health private practice here in south county a few years ago. I wish that things were easier in this regard because (between the lot of us) we already have absolutely everything we need within the community in order to live well and prosper.
But there are so many obstacles to THRIVE in place. I still am not sure what specifically you’re asking for in the post, but that’s ok, I think you are mostly interested in sparking a conversation about this subject. Good luck to you, may the future be brighter for everyday people."

Then this person didn't seem to catch this was a legit camp I was offering partial access to but needed to help or encourage options for a familiy to afford the second consecutive week (and have good transportation  before and care as needed after the camp etc.)

"To be blunt, nothing you have written here would give me confidence as a parent that my child would be safe coming to this camp. What is this "certificate" to which you refer? What is the name of this endeavor?

What are your credentials and those whom you intend to employ? Do employees have to undergo a CORI check? Do you have CPR and First Aid Training?

What about insurance? The only specifics you provide is a confusing list expenditures and costs associated with this journey. Sorry to be so bureaucratic and unimaginative, but the area (or wherever hopefully) are full of camps with very transparent information, written in accessible prose, about their policies, practices, and procedures. But then, maybe this post is about a tag sale after all." ( A tag sale was one idea to raise funds to offset my investment or to supplement it for the 2nd week or extra needs--fuel cost for the rides and food etc for the youth attending, hopefully from nearby where the camp is located.)

Here is my reply to that: 

Hi , Thanks for inquiring about that part of the situation. I didn't want to share so much about which camp, but I have at times have said which one and it is very legit and meets all of the things you asked about.
Overall, maybe we can collaborate to offer more guidance for all families to think about what can help all kids have support in their learning, living and skill-building journeys with appropriate team players, supervisors and more.
There are many programs that may be a bit out of a family's budget and even the idea of giving kids (and adults) a clear sense of 'the actual cost' of even going out for a light meal at a 'reasonably priced place' can help more plan to do that. I know I digress but there is a lot to ponder along these lines.
Sorry for the confusion but I appreciate those who are willing to tune in a bit and overall I've shared much of this on my blog to help everyone feel 'it's not for nothing' that they share their ideas, concerns and ways to work together with a sense of accountability and continued hope for making the tri-corner area a more hip place for more people who can trust each others and build meaningful networks and relationships. A tall order, but as worth it.
As for the Tag Sale Idea someone had a car load to I replied..That's very nice of you. Is there someone up your way who might want to host a tag sale (as I'm in CT and we don't have much traffic in our area...)
Keeping things rather local is helpful in general (for someone going to this camp or having the tag sale if things are up your way.) Thanks if another person can host a place, maybe others could have a table and a percentage could be donated to offset my investment of $350 or add to the other week if we find a child in need and able to attend. I'm appreciating the forum and hope others get some value from all of this too.
There are many resource and ideas shared on my blog and a few stories and such too. I could help run a tag sale up that way too if there's a spot to do so. Thanks...I messaged that person and will consider asking someone having a tag sale (such as listed in The Shoppers Guide which is also online if they might have a table for donations for such a project as I'm working on... I am sharing this to give others ideas about how to ask a little beyond their immediate circles and see what comes of it. Best to all in using these points to fine tune your own efforts...
Here's something I shared with another group of a couple hundred people who are doing lots of positive things and offering support when asked for some things as they may like to do...and overall wanted to see if someone might be up for hosting a tag sale but  didn't get to that  'ask' at this time. A large one to benefit the group is already in the works, so maybe I'll have the first donations go to that effort... Then think of asking (maybe to use leftovers for another tag sale...)
Lots of options and easier with more folks pulling together. See what I share on the Turtle Garden Permaculture Game about the basics of working together and with nature. Also The SchumacherCenter. org offers great tips too. Hope many are encouraged by this or at least a bit wiser about the ups and downs that can be part of any learning, or living journey whether for work or play, helping or caregiving....It all adds up to a big part of Life with a Good 'tude, Dude!
putting the idea of 'people helping people' in small ways out there on the GB Community Forum (summarized on my blog with some rather interesting results.
I appreciate the supportive requests for clarification about the 'basic issue' and responded to many of the 'what the heck are you saying' comments.
Communication will likely need to go through a few ChatGPT versions in the future for some to say things to meet various terms. I'm sharing this hears since about 50 posts have explored a lot about the idea of helping one another in some way...think of options to help find a family wanting to save some money by bartering or even receiving a partial payment for a 2 week day camp.
I didn't want to advertise which one too much to keep the focus on the Berkshire area and it being a farm/nature/crafts experience for ages 7-14...for the camp and family's privacy etc. Didn't want to spell that out either since that could result in more snide remarks.
However overall the journey of 'sticking with this to see where it led and find some possible people to work with' has been mainly successful even if far more complicated than 'just donating it back to the school' to let them find someone who'd like to use it (maybe give someone a refund for a week but I doubt it...)
A key point about this experience is keeping track of 'great deals and auction winnings' over time. Ideally organizers, buyers and sellers would take measures to record things clearly and have receipts and ways to help folks as needed to use them in a timely manner or have another item available should the service or product not be available.
Also a 3rd party verifier would be a big plus to have for more people to use in general to avoid 'binge buying or doing so without talking it over, staying within one's budget or spending plan and so on.' I would like to design such a business and would love to network with others on that.
There's a lot of other insights I gained from this process and that includes again the idea of the need for far more caregivers and support for any who need it (families, elders, special needs and transportation, organizers and funders for all manner of help.)
I'm putting this here in case people would like to send me some ideas or talk further eventually if not sooner. Thanks so much for all everyone is doing (and taking breaks along the way too in creative, easy-does-it ways.)
Sharing what makes all of these kinds of things possible are often helpful to more folks than not, so feel free to post a tip or two here or PM me.
I'm happy to give a lot of situations some thought too if that's of interest. I'd like to do an outreach to the families at the schools in the tri-corner area before school let's out so maybe will write to The Lakeville Journal about that and put out a few more flyers.
I welcome more collaboration on such efforts which I've been doing for a couple of decades now. I'm on Clubhouse (on my phone) and hope more can tap into that (which I did share in the LJ paper this month.) Best to all the rest of May and into June. Here's to everyone's health and well-being and support for those with extra needs.--Catherine