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Lots of Exciting 'Real Life' Networking and Amazing Talks On

on Thu, 03/30/2023 - 02:07

Hearing programs by Janet Attwood over the last few years, some for free and some for a fee, I am grateful I tuned into her forum. I just planned to catch some replays because There's So Much she's offering. I thought I'd skim through replays to 'save time' and will do that hopefully soon for what's happened so far in her kick-off year.

I tuned into a live class with her about The Passion Test that is also in a book. Dozens of folks joined in to learn about 'intention, attention and power then 'no tension' to remember one's What (#1-5 passions.)

Staying focused with cue cards and embellish with a vision board of 'living that passion full out.' When living one's life in alignment and with support is a way to live fully. The ups and downs may still happen but allowing one's energy and shared alliances for the support one has and gives to others can be reassuring.

There's plenty more of course, but want to share a tidbit as part of the thanks for the uplifting program she led with many others joining in with their positive thoughts and energies. "Keep bringing in the good and being grateful for the basics and much more." We co-create our world can do so more consciously with lots of support! Hope you can spread the word and come on board with this or other uplifting programs!