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The Gifts Of One Another...Giving and Receiving Key for the One and the Many

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 12:44

To The Editor: (This was in the 12/15/22 issue of The Lakeville Journal of CT)

The ongoing festive events to celebrate family, community and care around the world with gatherings and gifts is something we can carry into the coming years. The gift of every life as evolving into wiser, more caring beings is shared by many traditions and more help online and hopefully in our communities.
The digital divide is closing in ways due to cell phone coverage. More people benefit from  mobile apps to apply for SNAP, heating oil and medical insurance among other goods and services, including safety and educational courses. Even with all the support, many fall in an economic or social gap where they are akin to The Little Match Girl, left out in the cold or in danger. 
 If more people joined forces to help one another in their schools and areas, mainly in public supervised programs, the next generation tasked with cleaning up messes, may feel more capable to do so. Youth, elders and all people in between need ongoing supportive teams.
Steadfast outreach by individuals and groups whether through letters, social media, blogs and advocacy fill an important path of joining forces and often funds to power up programs.  All states could review groups like (online or in person) which are often free to visit and friendly to join.
More schools and towns can draw on such programs as 'democracy in action,' With respect and help with speaking and listening skills people can advocate for oneself in life. helps everyone 'learn the basics' of domestic violence and abuse (DV and IPV, Intimate Partner Violence.) I am happy to network with people about many resources and ideas via my public FB pages and free blog.
Erin's Law stresses the need for all ages to learn the basics of bodily safety and prevention of sexual assault. Supporting a victim in healing even without formal reports is often a helpful strategy. Many systems are not clear or kind to victims unfortunately. 
Minimizing potential harm can be a guiding strategy to keep people of all ages safe even during outings among teens and adults. 
Being accountable with short-term and overall plans from the top laws and practices to individual choices is the secret or magic for health and success on many fronts, from personal to financial, living and driving or interacting with others.
Too little, too late has left many vulnerable people  in harm's way whether in social or political arenas locally or around the world. We can remember those in peril or whose lives were lost to such harm by shoring up gaps of care. As we envision it, we can work to enjoy the miraculous gift of life as helpful team players.
On a wider level,  Dr. Steven Greer  and others have an 'all call' for people to learn about better ways to power our planet. The theories hold promise for this decade as key to our shared success. Let's step into our power and encourage all to join in the promise of a healing humanity and world! Let's trust there is support for doing what is kind and fair!
Catherine Palmer Paton, Falls Village CT 347-471-9209