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Exciting Steps At Libraries...since their founding, expanding and going for the gusto!

on Mon, 03/27/2023 - 03:25

Read any good books lately or hear of some? How about movies, documentaries (see Canary at your library...or request it) or stories (including ebooks) that you may want to hear online but need a subscription to?

When we hear about job lay-offs, declines in the economy and in many faith circles and even schools and business activities, that could get a community 'down in the dumps.' Even though more people have cell phones, including Androids and iPhones and even laptops, tablets, desk top and other kind ofs of media...television, radio (even online) and music and more, it's not a given that people will have the devices they need and the reception to use them effectively and reliably. All of that can be a big worry for someone needing to make a call, send an email or submit an application for assistance for food, funds, heat or other basics (housing, transportation, support for programs for care at home or other opportunities through a social worker or community foundation support or other scholarship group.) Enter, drumroll....., YPL: Your Public Library or Private Libray (or hybrid, getting support from the town or state and/or private donors along with public support through fundraising events and programs.)

To cut to the chase, see the websites of libraries in your area and even state (and the ones near you.) For me that means all of CT public libraries are available to me with the library card and info that I have with my local library. In addition to the libraries in the northwest corner towns of CT including Falls Village North Canaan and Cornwall, Salisbury, Sharon and Kent, I have also enjoyed using the libraries in neighboring Dutchess County (North East Public Library) in Millerton NY and Sheffield (Bushnell Sage)  and Great Barrington MA (Mason) libraries.

The larger libraries in Litchfield and Torrington (and the Law Library on the upper floor at the new court house on Field St.) have come in handy over the years as well. Plus when I was in NYC, it was great to know there were libraries sprinkled throughout the cities (with the public library near Bryant Park a welcoming land mark when going out to Grand Central toward Bryant Park where people take in the seasons with pop-up shops, iceskating or picnicking on tables or the lawn in warmer months.

Okay so back to the libraries. I applaud the efforts and got to four librarians share what's going on in their respective domains as well as the interlibrary loan program that allows for books to be borrowed from other libraries and directed to the local library...and returned to any library as well in the state of CT for instance.

I'll fill you in on some of the highlights shortly and extend thanks as well to all donating to these helpful community enhancing efforts and resources! Way to go, CT Libraries and those around the US too!