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Drawbacks to talking Things Over on FB or a Public Forum, But Some Pluses Too!

on Thu, 05/18/2023 - 00:46

Regarding the points about offering a partial scholarship or barter for a camp certificate and 'finding the right youth to attend', there were many negative comments about raising the topic publicly. Some said it was 'just too confusing to think about.' It got their heads spinning and it seemed over the top complicated. I had raised the idea of having a tag sale to raise funds or asked people to donate items etc.

That came up with one person saying they'd do that. A couple others had donated $20 each...and a new friend from faraway gave 50 that would be something for me to review whether that should offest my investment of 350 if I am donating the certificate for one week or if I should add that to my certificate...whichever they'd prefer. If I found someone to go I was going to donate it to them to offset the cost of $425 since that can be a lot for a family to swing. Plus there's gas, food and so on to cover. More than one person said that was the block but also making a commitment for two weeks was a lot (consecutively.)

Those points may help other programs plan accordingly and by all means to try to get things underwritten and promote scholarships such as is done through the Berkshire Taconic Foundation of Sheffield MA. I've known about that community foundation since its inception. I have friends and family who have benefitted from applying to scholarships from them and other programs at a school (after school programs like SOAR in Salisbury CT but some which have fees in Sharon or North Canaan CT Schools.)  Recreation programs may cost something and places like Chewonki Maine Coast Semester can really be expensive much like private schools or colleges. Some places offer amazing assistance so don't rule out options only because of the sticker price and find people who may support you in an endeavor. 

Some folks on the FB post were being derogatory or accusing the effort as a scam. That's sad because it's likely to discouarge others from trying as I have been to see what could help someone and even consider asking for more support in terms of helping me recoup my investment via donations or barters (even down the road a spell.) Just exploring all of these ideas takes 'real effort and some logic'. Likely AI could have done all of this in five minutes. But then all the human interaction would not have been needed and relegated to a play. 

So here is a reply to someone being accusatory. We live in such a small and generally friendly area I wouldn't mind speaking with this person on the phone or meeting for a cup of tea at a local venue. I may wait on that for a bit though. Just rather yin-yang energies. So here is my response and hope some are finding support vicariously. I just learned of a good friend's Mom who passed from this human realm at the start of the year. She had endless compassion for people and so I feel honored really to have time to share this kind of situation...and trust she and the angels will find helpful solutions. Rest in peace dear friend and know it all makes a difference...and will carry on even in our dreams and hopefully result in caring teams!

I appreciate your 'advocacy' and yet I've been very transparent about offering a family a discount or even donating the certificate...and I've gotten donations to help with the second week.

The criticism you are giving does not seem well-placed and seems harsh in terms of saying "it's a lovely sentiment' but the presentation reads as a scam...or poverty tourism.

I have always found it helpful to network with people regarding finding out about camps and programs, encouraging help with rides and affording things whether for my own family or others in a community who may have a need. I feel you are putting people down for trying to advocate for basic positive networking and simple fundraising. There are not endless, readily available funds. I was actually supposed to have both weeks covered, but someone misplaced the certificate.

Thankfully someone advocated for me after I could not find a bank record of the transaction but I spent a thousand dollars on items at that fair since I was supposed to be paid over 50K for caring for someone...but it didn't come through to that tune.

So that's a very helpful point for people (especially with caring for people) to realize that things need to be set up legally to qualify for various support later from programs (and it's best to see a site like and one in whatever state one is in.)

So maybe that's the real tip of the day for people to pay attention to for that part of life, whether needing care or providing it. There are a ton of rule and regs to know about a decade or at least 5 years in advance of doing the care that may be needed.

Okay I cover more of that on my blog, but again consider maybe This is the Reason the 'certificate' has been such a challenge so we got to other helpful topics...and it's all rather important. I helped homeless people to the tune of 600 who promised to make some effort to repay or work with me...and no, they didn't pull through (but who knows, maybe someday...)

Many others have not paid me as planned and some employees take people to small claims court 'all the time" to get their pay (again in the homecare field even with a third party helping oversee things and contracts with a certified POA paperwork on file. Records must be kept daily and 'verified' and lots more. So again, more to learn going forward as communities. People can be criticized for all manner of things and rumors spread rather readily.

So all the more reason to know who is in your community and what people are doing (even checking in to see if the people are being covered and understand the payment agreements and not trust just one person to manage the funds of an elder or paying people since they may not be honest about what they are do and ring up endless bills and have to go to jail when caught and not be able to repay the funds.) But now I'll put this on my blog so many others can get tuned in when the time is right for them to do so.