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Healing and creating our better selves and lives in sync with the greater nature and support

"Feeling Lonely for G-d," or "Do the Mundane to Feel the Magic" are some sharing and tips but many more

on Sat, 09/24/2022 - 14:18
This time of year there can be a 'death or ending' from the past or currently...because there's a shift from Saturn energy to Uranus the new energy...'shadow selves that may be blocking our new hope and interest' is something to explore (maybe things to let go and burn out whether through illness or sluggishness etc...yet other modalities may say 'no need to reprocess'.." Peter Roth says it's okay to 'go through what you need to go through..." and it's important to Trust the Process..and allow the unfolding of e-motions and so on.