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"Feeling Lonely for G-d," or "Do the Mundane to Feel the Magic" are some sharing and tips but many more

on Sat, 09/24/2022 - 14:18
This time of year there can be a 'death or ending' from the past or currently...because there's a shift from Saturn energy to Uranus the new energy...'shadow selves that may be blocking our new hope and interest' is something to explore (maybe things to let go and burn out whether through illness or sluggishness etc...yet other modalities may say 'no need to reprocess'.." Peter Roth says it's okay to 'go through what you need to go through..." and it's important to Trust the Process..and allow the unfolding of e-motions and so on. Lisa and others may say 'there's a key to surrender and allow the release of something whether thru some illness or situation...' Keep loving yourself and your divine nature is allowing you to move things along...maybe thru rest or whatever is coming up (life doesen't need to be perfect..take out judgement that you Should be further along..."
Nature is taking you where you need to go..maybe some disconnection, some feelings of being too little or can mourn this and let it go and feel great love through your heart...Don't worry the woulda,shoulda, coulda game... (Though with stories and songs it's okay I think to explore all of those and help people learn and hear things, even oneself...feel like life went differently.
Some say there are multiple realities playing out and what If our enemies are each parts of ourselves..past or future ways of reacting or responding..Those are ideas I play with and allow forgiveness and inquiry into tough sessions..." I have even wondered recently if being 'off base, evil or otherwise on a downward spiral' may be a way, like being under the influence of drugs that someone needed to fulfill some other difficult karmic or other energy as life is playing out...I will look at that in another post,
Not to mix up what others are sharing with what comes to mind, but want to recall things to explore later. I lot has happened for me in many parts of my life this last month and these last few days...(another post may explore that but meeting amazing people and lots of them plus others in more depth has reminded me of how I lived before covid and caring for people for that last couple of years in their I am "coming home and home to myself' at this pivotal time of the equinox and hope to stay in the healing, love and greater good frequency whether helping others or myself...It seems it's My Turn to be the Focus of my energies and that's a 180 in terms of having time, effort and support to priortize my many concerns and just reclaim my space, support folks and things and more...
It's rather amazing and a bit daunting. I was out dancing with wonderful folks raising money for the good cause of The Harry Conklin Farmland and Homestead initiaive in the Berkshires and met people who run The Schumacher Library so hope to see that soon also in the Great Barrington MA area. Lots of treasures in my own back yard. I enjoyed the Torrington Woman's Club in CT event at Crystal Peak and appreciate each vendor who was sharing her craft, baked good, creative tee-shirt such as "She.E.O" which replaces the "C.E.O" title with one more fitting for Each and Every Woman or person rooting for understanding the power and gifts of the feminine!
The shoe (and shirt) fits when a woman hears and thinks of herself as her own She.E.O...and really in fairness more men and reclaiming the healthy masculine would be fine with a He.E.O which almost sounds like Hero...and that leads us over to everyone being their own Hero or Shero..or Theero, Theiro or thereabouts or We-Ro. Okay again don't want to miss the ideas of the day and wish everyone well. See what's happenin' on at this amazing time (which each time is in many ways, but nothing like some energetic boosts and grounding to help us pull through with peace and progress on all levels.)
Peace and light to those facing any challanges (physical, climate-related, social, legal, housing, work, food or funds and more.. May you be able to center and renew your steps ona path of support and care, progress and rest in balanced ways, one day at a time.)
See what's going on and Global Peace Team (starting a new quarter of the year sessions to promote peace'. "You becoming more of the fullness of You as you tune into your full sense of your nature in sync with connection with nature and society...Love expressing itself through each of us...a flow of generosity and kindness, a love of all of creation..."
This time of the autumnal equinox is about 'letting go of the old and stepping anew into healing so make clear choices with good intentions..."
That can help us usher in a more healing, loving society and world...These are ideas explored by people who have eons of experiences, studies and co-creation...So worth hearing more...The Disney Movie, The Incredibles (Screen Slavers villain...control and manipulation and interjection of frequencies which we need to understand better.'
Control of humanity maybe linked to the media and input that convey frequencies...known and unknown. So worth learning more and seeing the sharing by Lisa Denton on Sat. Am from 8:45am for an hour or so. Other recordings available so no FOMO (fear of missing out...)
Have clear intentions to live in alignment with the intelligent nature of our universe so help stay on track and not be affected (much or at all...) She does recommend eating 'raw cilantro or do metal chelation' because we are taking in more metals that may diminish our immunity or way of not taking on negative frequencies...Minimize our exposure to 'negative news cycles and crisis at length' uplift the energies we can be activists through love and compassion to heal the difficult patterns.
I share ideas I've had for decades..about "Acorns To Oaks Team Outreach & Friends United Network"...A-2020 FUN is the nickname (TO=20, so two of those for To Oaks and Team Outreach) The guiding idea is "To grow in wisdom, kindness, health, talent and friendship, sharing resources and support" I blend in more info from Permaculture and the idea of understanding the systems and cultural beliefs and time line for life stages (education, faith groups, social norms, health and natural growth...with ideas for support for each part of life and 24/7 help to plan. decide small choices and bigger agreements and take actions..."
 Lots of amazing resources to be aware of one shared by Peter Roth is and there are explanations on a podcast, GeneCode by Richard Rod (head of Gene Keys...maybe Richard Rudd..) Peter Roth uses Gene Keys in his work on Human Design...Peter has a show and interviewed Richard many times.