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Lighting a Candle...Please Pass it On With An Act of Kindness in Memory of Kaelan A. Palmer Paton (1/6/93-6/16/09)

on Thu, 01/06/2022 - 02:57

I shared the second half of thisĀ post (marked with ***) with a Facebook group that's got a few hundred folks in it remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton, our teen son who passed in mid June of 2009 at age 16 and 5 months, having been born in wintry Sharon CT near the NY and MA borders, at home with the help of midwives and his Dad David Paton and other supportive folks. It really wouldn't have mattered how Kaelan's life ended in terms of how much we loved him and missed him, yet what transpired thatĀ 

seemingly fateful day' when a group of youths from his first year of high school (many