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District 53 Toastmasters Speech Contest and Invite to Join in Great Organization to Help Run Meetings and yes

"Planting Seeds, Pulling Stones, We are Made of Dreams and Bones" (lyric from Inch By Inch Garden Song) and Inspiration to Grow Together in Courage, Sharing and Teamwork!

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 17:07

Excited to have seen the District 53 Toastmasters Speech Contest. Shout out to our Southern Berkshire Toastmasters contestant Dave Panitz, amazing speaker, runner and natural humanitarian, in the humor contest (about Auto-Correct with practical tips such as to turn off that option (love that tip) or step away and slow down and review before posting...) I was going to be a 2nd back up speaker but really need to craft and rehearse my talks 'stay tuned and feel free to coach me.." 

See more about an open house our club is holding on Tues March 30th from 11:30-1pm, with official timely