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Highlights of an online talk by Gregg Braden with Good Ideas for Now to Help US All Get Through these Times

on Thu, 03/26/2020 - 19:01 is a recent talk by about dealing with the condition called COVID19 which stands for Corona Virus Disease of 2019.  He explains in more depth and  says the Virus (not the condition) is the SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus) which was first called Wuhan Virus (of China.) The CDC is trying not to link a place or animal with any disease due to lingering stigma, Gregg shares. 

The corona (which refers to the spikes or crowns on the virus) are a key factor to the transmission of the virus which is not a living thing in itself as bacteria are.

A letter to some of my many End of Life Doula Friends (mostly online) and Others who want to Get Real About These Modern Challenges!

on Sat, 03/14/2020 - 17:58
Just letting folks know I had a lovely time travelling to Hawaii and the SouthWest in the past month, seeing family, friends and even awesome folks at a Gregg Braden (and HeartMath Experience, outreach program in Sedona and made it back to CT after being in NYC for a few days to see my family there.
Many people are heading out of the city to avoid being in a big place where some say the virus and death tolls will be high. I was hoping the EOLD community could come out strong with some guidance and support on many I will see the zoom meeting.
Maybe there are things to