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Abuse Interventions

The Nitty Gritty at What's Wrong With the City (that Denies Abuse and How to Prevent It or Address It, even in CPS or Courts)

on Mon, 03/11/2019 - 12:43

Sharing more info on about the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference in Albany NY in April 2019...This important annual national event is full of wisdom For Our Times...and All Aspects of Society. Raising the bar of insights into laws, human rights, ways to Avoid these Situations (my hope to help clarify with more thinkers online and in groups around the country...) and much more...

So Stay Tuned and Thinlk Out Loud for Safety Planning and Implementing (stay with safe people and places, be careful even in cars and on trips, around tricky people of all kinds at home, in