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Sharing more timely insights about important advocacy for people throughout life and more

on Thu, 06/20/2019 - 21:02

Wishing everyone a happy summer and Make Music 2019 Day on June 21st.

By the way, I have a new program from Suzanne O'Brien about "peace of mind' about end of life planning' that may be very helpful. I think we can help many people by addressing many points she offers in her intro talk (or the whole program) which is discounted for those hearing the talk for 72 hours.... I have taken other programs with her for End Of LIfe Doula training and encourage more people to learn early and often about 'all sorts of things' that are important to know long before you need them.

There really should

"Spreading the Words to Put Down Swords of Despair, Confusion, Ignorance, Suffering":"Thank You End of Life Doulas and the New Council"

on Wed, 06/06/2018 - 21:18

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) Announces End-of-Life Doula Council Formation to serve people in their end of life needs and time of transition and after death care as well...

.Google for more information, and be ready to join the effort to help more people feel supported and connected to resources during their final innings of life, whether with transitions with more support as elderly or other needs present or the last stages of life are being faced.

The support for individuals and others close to them will grow and more people will be able to prepare more

The Done For You Giveaway, great free info for your email (maybe have an extra for such things) Have Faith and Consider the Winnings We All Share while here today on plan-it heart (earth)

on Wed, 05/09/2018 - 15:45

Sign up at from May 7-28, 2018 for a lot of great offers to improve yourself, your life, your business and more. There's lots to learn from just looking.Then if you feel you want some more details, you likely need to give your email, and then, drum roll..enter a contest. I won something from Tammi Metzler and hope to use it soon. She kindly gave me some extensions. I get inspired by her many offerings and bought a couple of programs to help me improve my skills

. I actually have to Do the Programs and try them out.

Chad Lewis Raising $10K on his for his 40th Birthday to Become an Interfaith Minister

on Mon, 03/19/2018 - 02:23

Among the many wild or wonderful ways to celebrate turning another decade especially 40 (or 50), how many are pursuing new careers or life paths in ministry? How about promoting peace and healing as part of one's life work? Maybe it's fairly common to consider the Possibiity of doing so. Likely many volunteer in a soup kitchen or treat someone to dinner, make an effort to donate time, talent or treasure.

Taking a more serious step toward a public commitment and outreach is not for the faint of heart.

Join in the online or on the phone Prayer Circle on the 18th of Each Month with Jenn McLean in 2018!

on Thu, 01/18/2018 - 02:31

For anyone looking for a little inspiration or even a lot of good energy, tune into the free (or by donation as you may feel led as I did) to support this wonderful outreach and opportunity to help people connect from all over the world. If on FB on public sites, some recommend making a 'fake name' public use name and such. Calling in may be the 'safest' and the replays are available all year, so those are cool to use to reflect on the progress and situations that may come during the year or even later. I have to check if the previous calls are available.

The other outreaches such as You
