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'Start With Love In Case You Don't Get a Chance to Say Goodbye" April 11th, Sri Chinmoy's Birth date and day of remembrance of his many contributions to the world. April 12th, 2017 the day of a young man's passing. Lighting a candle with Big Tall Love

on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 22:27

 For Starters, "I Love You!" Too often in wrapping up a phone call it's hard to squeeze a clear, heartfelt "I love you!" in at the end, so why not Start the call with a Hello and as the song goes.."I just say I love you" for short, "I love you." Same thing when saying hello to people in your 'love you' circle.

As it makes sense, give a hand shake or hug or pat on the back to greet with affection getting down to business about plans and people to be in touch with (about more plans.)


The last time I saw my late teen son in a friendly way was on my birthday of May 14th, 2009,

To All the Famliies Missing Their Kids in others missing loved ones. We can't be apart if they live in our heart...

on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 13:47
The other day a friend was walking out in the woods as the sun was setting, Her dog was being playful and she stopped to tune into him. When she looked up she saw a beautiful sunset with the sun streaming through the trees. A space in the trees letting the sunlight pour through was in the shape of a heart. She felt her son who passed last month as the driver in an accident was telling her, "I love you, Mom." With a talent for sketching, she captured the beauty she saw and shared it with friends online. Can't you just feel the love pouring through such a moment?
Sadly many people are stuck in

Advice I asked for about whether to install an App on my phone to send money

on Tue, 04/25/2017 - 15:30
Learning about Computers, iPhones and all that jazz has been an adventure since word processing in college in the 1980s. I had a long hiatus (or break) from that for about twenty years, then learned about Email in 2004 after many family and friends said I should 'get on the emails.'
I was more of a phone gal and that's when I preferred corded phones to avoid EMFs and RFs (worth a google but now most homes and areas are covered with a blanket of RF, radio frequency from cell towers) as Blake Levitt predicted in her books.