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Linda Moulton Howe 2016

The First Day of A Very Different America, All Caring Souls Need to Do their Homework. Former KKK David Duke tweeted "Our folks had a lot to do with Trump winning'. Yikes! BUT see Linda Moulton Howe's Sept 2016 show on Time Travel..and Maybe DT is OK

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 22:40

I wrote Part 2 the following the day after the election.  Part 1, a new installment after Part 2, yes it's day and night in terms of a Reversal of Thought--I did not see this coming or from the source I heard online, but I take the timing as a gift and consider there is a bigger game going on in the universe and like driving on the highway, we need to be wiling and Able to Change Lanes sometimes! (sorry family and friends but read Part 1 now, thanks...)

Tonight, Nov 10th, 2016, I was drawn to listen to the John Titer interview by Linda Moulton Howe about Time Travel, likely done by the Air