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The First Day of A Very Different America, All Caring Souls Need to Do their Homework. Former KKK David Duke tweeted "Our folks had a lot to do with Trump winning'. Yikes! BUT see Linda Moulton Howe's Sept 2016 show on Time Travel..and Maybe DT is OK

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 22:40

I wrote Part 2 the following the day after the election.  Part 1, a new installment after Part 2, yes it's day and night in terms of a Reversal of Thought--I did not see this coming or from the source I heard online, but I take the timing as a gift and consider there is a bigger game going on in the universe and like driving on the highway, we need to be wiling and Able to Change Lanes sometimes! (sorry family and friends but read Part 1 now, thanks...)

Tonight, Nov 10th, 2016, I was drawn to listen to the John Titer interview by Linda Moulton Howe about Time Travel, likely done by the Air Force from Area 51 in Nevada. I took notes and hope to review highlights. But I'll skip to the main point related to Donald Trump's election. Maybe it's okay and necessary. Maybe Hillary was indeed too into 'money' and whatever behind the scenes corruption it would take, according to John Titer's last few minutes of his almost 2 hour interview. The Big NEWS is that he said there could likely be a nuclear strike from Iran and Russia in January 2018 that would hit Washington DC, Paris, London and Tel Aviv. He said he reported back to his bosses after his time travel trips (yes there were 8 to various parts of the universe after many test runs locally here on earth.) Then nothing was done, and he does not know Why.

He wanted to try to show the damaging photos and reports from the internet from 2050 to the head of Iran to get him to NOT allow or plan for such an attack of missiles flown closely behind passenger planes. He was not given that chance (I think that was the outcome.) He said Maybe Donald Trump could make a Difference in That course of our future, but he had little faith that Hillary could. It was hugely disheartening to hear that take from him on someone I voted for and supported largely because more educated and wise folks I respect indicated she was by far the only good choice. I wanted to say that I think there should be a year-long apprenticeship for anyone Wanting to Run for President or Vice-President (and the other positions as well even the Joint Chief of Staff etc) so they could practice and weigh in on making wise and reasonable choices, behaving effectively and decently and so on, get used to life on the road, on the planes and getting dressed for the occassions at hand--ya know the really important stuff. But apparently, there's no time for the Good Planning ideas until we all consider the dire situation not only John TItor but many leaders of the world have tried to tell us for a few decades now that we may be in our 'end game'.

John Titor did say there are two human colonies somewhere in the galaxy, maybe 13 light years away. The plan is for 200 thousand to live there and who knows maybe a few more. But for the rest of us, between nuclear war, the nuclear winter that follows and the environmental misery it will feel like 'game over' for life as we knew it. In terms of our consciousness I hope we continue with our loved ones here and beyond. I share more about that on other posts. The e-book Disclosure by John Titor and two others was released on his own, without the Dept of Defense vetting get it while you can. I hope to do so shortly. And I realize I will have to redirect people to This Post from the other dozen that support Hillary. Again, I don't Know the truth, but I feel a lot of respect and tend to believe this man braving telling us of a possible serious scenario who is living in a bunker for his own safety now... that says a lot too. Okay, peace and light..and wisdom to one and all. And please let the Divine guide Iran to try to go easy on being so set in their views that they'd risk life on the planet to have the last word or 'prove they are right.' 

Part Two, written before the newer Part One above, maybe this is a thought journey more people will take over the course of a few hours or days or longer..:

Well, how much can any reasonable person know in terms of What is Really Behind A Political Leader's Ambitions? Am I the only one who thinks people should be able to be believed for what they say, that surely famous public people are being monitored and held accountable, and of course, with rallies and thousands of people attending, who can hide behind lies and corruption?

Turns out that likely is the norm for too many trusting voters putting their faith in people who have 'private, secret agendas'. What are we to do? As Marianne Williamson shared with a half a million people on FB Live, wish both candidates well after their run,and pray Trump with turn to his 'higher angels'.

Another local person feels doomed and shared that as a sign we should not sit idly back and trust and hope things will be just dandy. He referenced the Hitler problem of rising to power 'right before everyone's eyes'. Who are the watch dogs?

What will the accountability for smaller changes as well as larger systemic ones and huge ones (military, nuclear and who knows what.. has anyone looked up what Steven Greer has been saying for 25 years or even, how about the recent Pipeline issue where people need very warm sleeping bags and other survival supplies.) Will President Obama be around to coach Donald Trump on the basics and some options?

Okay, there will be More Time to Figure all of this out...but we've all been dealt a huge surprise in terms of the media predicting Clinton a winner, the Republicans not backing Trump fully and then over the course of a few contentious last weeks (with poor media hiding the ideas of clarity of differences and capabilities). Well, now we will all be called to STAY INVOLVED As Though ALL LIVES MATTER in key ways we need to insist on, for one and for all. Peace and light! Keep the faith!

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