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Part 2 Response to Immigration Issue..and Yes the Bigger Ones, see Steven Greer on youtube

on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 22:32
I appreciate you taking time to explain that feeling of it's not fair paying for others who want free stuff. I have heard that over the years when people on state or federal programs get dental (or medical coverage) and others, often working at higher rates of pay, do not (even if they had insurance through their jobs or were paying part or all of it.)
There are many issues that deserve a lot of attention from the 'concerned masses' who are often cornered with few options (pick one's poison or politician some say.)
That likely needs a major review.

Back to Basics Like Housing and Education for Little People with Help from the "Have's" Please!

on Thu, 09/08/2016 - 14:56

A couple with a child needs housing. This may not make the headlines but did make it to my attention. Their situation was one where a third party did not pay their share of the rent and they face eviction. Let me know at if you have ideas or funds to help them. I offered that they try a Go Fund Me and ask for help with some more advocates. Unfortunately being public and direct for certain needs can red flag people in many states for a DCF investigation.