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Thinking of Special Ways to Celebrate My Birthday All Things Considered...

on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 01:05

Thanks to everybuddy whose checked out this blog and hopefully been inspired to do something in their lives feeling 'If she can say or do that...I can take a risk try something along the lines of Taking A Break, A Deep Breath, Thinking Kindly Toward Yourself, Being Nice to Someone Else...and all those 'little things' that maybe the voices in one's head says 'there's no need, no time, no point' in doing those kinds of things.'

That said, the prior post was a 'walk down memory lane' for me recounting not only being a mom to lovely grown kids but also of a teen son in spirit and other

Can All Good Schools and Communities Share Ideas to Prevent Declines? Open Meeting here to share ideas, I'll kick off..

on Thu, 09/12/2019 - 16:35
After following an online forum about local concerns in the NWCT area about fewer than 60% of students going onto the public regional high school from six elementary schools, I offer the following ideas. I wrote at length 20 years ago about the early school years and family time being important to nurturing children.
Of course now daycares are 'filling that role of caring for kids' from infancy on for many due to necessity or wanting to work for one's steadfast income from that (rather than run a home daycare or otherwise do one's own trades or pay for childcare to a personal provider for one

Thinking Through the Ins and Outs of Community Networking and Advocacy! One Day At A Time..peace and light, Talking about Evolution..with Love

on Sat, 07/07/2018 - 22:00

Here's to keeping abreast of the many great ways to enjoy summer, and really each season of the year, with neighbors and newcomers at local events and growing in community networking efforts.

A few folks have asked me, "Well, what does Community Networking mean..what will happen or who does that involve?" What I've been doing since very young in these small CT towns as well as in larger ones (New Haven and Fairfield CT, at Vassar College and then back in the hill towns of the northwest corner CT and more recently for a couple of years in Brooklyn NY) is getting to know who is doing what in

Part One of Kudos to Small Towns and Big Towns Having Quality Leadership and Plans for Safety for All (that's an added wish)

on Sun, 11/12/2017 - 05:01

 I appreciate everyone keeping all the small towns in CT and the other towns, large and small in every state, going strong when the challenges for making a living and coordinating services seem to go up with fewer 'younger people' (adults under 50 or 40) and students for the schools.

I have reac
hed 80K people with posts about the area (about 40K on the Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton post) which offers many important ideas about Keeping People Safe On All Levels, even in their Homes and Relationships, even in court and custody situations.

I realize that's nothing 'local government' needs Our $upport of any amount:Free Speech and Investigative Reporting!

on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 17:04

Here's a heavy-hearted response to  the litany of Presidential (and Republican)'mandates' or requests in his Address to Congress. Some of what he proposes will run $54 Billion more for the Defense Dept (I read from a post on Marshall Miles' site...who oversees the smallest NPR radio station in the nation,

 As millions marching since he was elected to Show Concern and Dire Need to For Democracy to function, it's time for Everyone To Listen and Learn about what few rights anyone may have left in terms of Civil Rights, Working and Seeing  Land of Liberty for All.

