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Region One CT School Budget Passes May 2016 by small margin

When a School Budget Barely Passes and Only a Small Percent Voting, How Can We and Other Communities Build Hope and Success for All into Future PLANS?(People Learning with Agreements, Networking through Schools and Society)

on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 23:34

The Northwest Chatter FB group of a couple thousand has been helpful in the CT tri-corner area (MA/NY CT). Such forums spur more conversation than one might have otherwise. Any town or region likely could benefit from such a forum. Good luck getting yours up and running with volunteers. The unsung heroes as Ralph Nader quipped of bloggers and community activists and concerned citizens need to keep their spirits and efforts up for without an involved citizenry we're up a creek and paddlin' in circles or worse...

I feel we need a tribal gathering of sorts to allow people to post concerns and