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A Bigger Timeline for Each of Your Family Members and Folks in Your LIfe..Jot Down on Paper Ages and How Old Now and In Five Year Increments (or less for younger folks who seem to grow a ton in the first 5 years, then slow but still keep hatching out)

on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 19:04

 As much as we've tuned into thinking about the first days of the life of a fetus and realizing tremendous growth is happening as well as a bunch of stuff we don't quite understand (maybe even with the mom and dad if he's more than a donor, but even then enegetically the links may be more significant than accepted or understood as possibilities in terms of energetics links and influences as well as genetics unfolding and memory banks of cultures..and dare I offer the growing notion of the possibility of past lives?) Who chooses whom is a question like which came first, the chicken or the egg?