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Kaelan Paton

What's Backing up in BrooklYN, NY? That would be traffic, big trucks and plans to remedy lack of traffic control responses even from 911, 311, police reports!

on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 17:38

May 24th, 2019 found me going to a simple medical appointment at mid-morning that I almost slept through but didn't. Here's a summary from a lower part of the his post to cover the highlights of the BrooklYN deal (are you noticing the way that happens to be the state abbreviation in reverse as the end of Brooklyn? Yes, me too. Time to make a plan for NY and the rest of America regarding road and travel safety (including sidewalks, subways, buses, trains and of course roads whether in a country or city downtown area, neighborhood or highway.

Lighting a Candle for For the Late Jaevon Whyte of Hartford CT, A Young Man With Much to Teach US-All on the Fourth of July 2018

on Thu, 07/05/2018 - 04:59
Very sad situation.. Jaevon Whyte, age 17 almost, passed away in the pool of Keney Park in Hartford CT. While he and two friends at least 2 others and as many as 20 trespassed over high fences, he somehow drowned without his friends realizing it.
That may have been at 9pm with a large group of friends or just a pair of others If a large group was there and they thought the police were coming, that could explain some chaos that may have contributed to Jaevon struggling if he took in some water or if he stepped into a deeper part of the pool since he couldn't swim.

Before TANSH (Tragedy at Newtown Sandy Hook) in 2012 and after Our Teen Son's Tragic Heroic Passing in 2009

on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 00:19
To Whom It May Concern (initially more personalized) but a page from the early Dec 2009, three years before Sandy Hook loss in Ct.
 I am sending this link to programs at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA along as I was looking for the story I wrote called 'Angel Family Snowflake'. I feel that story  sums up any family that kindly forms over the years, even if there are changes where family members are not together in the same ways they were, whether moving, schooling, or even in our case having one go back to the heavens..
The energy and love is still there and part of our

Tough Decisions when it comes to 'Final Gift Giving..." Would One Want to Donate One's Organs, Have a Peaceful few Day Vigil with or without the donations first? What Kind of Burial? Tough Questions but Important for US All to put at the Top of the List.

on Thu, 11/30/2017 - 14:59

After reading that there are a million acres of land in the US for cemetaries..and that those are laden with metal, plastic, wood and more modern embalming fluids and mercuy in people's fillings as well as stones from the earth, I agree it's time to 'think Twice', especially since the Population has doubled since I was born just over 50 years ago (if I recall that stat.)

There are 300 million people in the US now (about 2020--and 8 billion on the planet heart), with the number only going up (and more people dying now since the baby boomers are seniors over 50 or 60. Men in particular tend

My FB post to Jenn McLean during her latest program online, listening to the replay of a FB Live post from her...Lots of good synchronicities finding me...

on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 02:55
I am excited to see the programs you are offering...I almost lost track and appreciate the Reboot this week.
I met the former wife of a victim of gun violence (and write more on my blog I will go to the Concert Across America against Gun Violence...the one in Brooklyn NY.
I had time to talk with Tranelle, the widow, yesterday. I will share more about your work with her after the concert on 9-24 from 6-9pm, one of dozens in the country.
9-21 is the World Day of Peace to allow for humanitarian efforts, particularly in countries of war or conflict but all as
