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Catch up on my latest posts on

on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 16:10

Zooming around the internet with the guidance of a good techy soul, I landed on (I'm sure Mediums may appreciate the idea of access and anyone being able to blog for free, check it out and start you're own before the election..and Yes, You can stay Anonymous, which I always meant to be but it just didn't work out that far.) So find some of my latest and greatest on updated address for that site) or maybe Catherine  Palmer Paton ....Still figuring out the deets.

Last post from Old Blog Site to (Which You Reached Here,Welcome!)

on Tue, 07/12/2016 - 11:30

The Good News is that I've had help transferring my blog site to The 'bad news' is that Change is (or was) hard and there were some challenges and costs (about 150 dollars for three more years and then likely that rate again.) The title of this put in the news that Drupal Gardens, my former host site,was ending its blog services Aug 1st, 2016. Folks won't be redirected to this new site,, so please let them in on that shift.

Thankfully I had the do-re-mi (thought doughnations will be welcome soon as I link a PayPal with this site, and maybe sell some