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Welcoming Students Back to School whether online or in person or hybrid or something else 2020

School Bells Ringing, Students Are Singing (maybe the blues but that can spur creativity...) Let's Hope There's Joy and Jazz too!

on Tue, 09/08/2020 - 03:30

Here's to a special September to remember 2020... Everything a bit different for 'going back to school' but whether part-time or full-time learning in school, at home or some other set-up, wishing all the best for great learning, networking and creating a better world.

After the pause which has the headlines considering 'what could have, should have and would have been better to do in the past' right along with those same kinds of concerns currently, everybuddy has 'more than enough to think about.'.

Having Fun is almost against the law in terms of the 'regular carefree get-togethers,