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Water and Driving and Living Safely

What a Moose on the Loose in CT Got Me Thinking about...Treading Lightly and Keeping One's Thinking KAPP On

on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 02:27

Another moose on the loose...and a good reason to drive for the moose, deer, bear, sows, cows (that can get out if memory serves),frogs and logs (not enough frogs and too many falling branches even when it's not windy.) Willows and pines can snap when they're ready and people may not be by the way.

We had a near-miss miracle occur once when a huge section of the willow in our Sharon yard came down to our front porch door (just as I was trying to figure out what that earth-shattering sound was...)and our three kids were playing happily about 20 feet away on their homemade swing