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Voting for Oneself and Others in Balance

Listening...a poem of coaching tips to keep in your home and at the polls when Voting

on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 14:58

LISTENING by Catherine Palmer Paton, #ListeningbyCPalmerPaton

Learn (to listen, laugh and love)

Inquire (Why? What Beliefs, Feelings and Experiences?)

Summarize (The Sense of What is Conveyed and Main Points)

Talk (Tell, Don't Yell. Care and Share Attention to Concerns and Ideas)

Empathize (With Reflecting Back What You Heard About Who, What, Where, When and Why Someone Feels Things Went That Way)

Negotiate (How Much Time to Engage Online, On the Phone or Skype, In Writing or In Person With Support People as well as Topics and Ground Rules)

Investigate (All Sides of a Situation,