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US President Trump

Whose Due for a Little Inspiration on Martin Luther King, Jr Day (and before Trump's Inauguration as the 45th President of US-All in the US of A-Miracle..much needed)?

on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 19:17

Don't everyone raise their hand at once, Unless (to quote the fuzzy fellow who spoke for the trees...) You Want To or Are Somewhat Willing. But let's Get Inspired. Sure we may be tired and mired in any number of pursuits, projects, personal growth programs...but let's make time to cheer each other on today. What kind of dreams have you had while asleep or awake. Any daydreamers out there?

How about spinning a story to entertain a little one or allow your own sweet self to explore what's possible with some creative thinking (fantasy realism allows for animals to speak, objects to do more than

Final Score of US Presidential Electoral Votes:Trump 290, Clinton 228--Who'd Da Believed It? And the Dream I just Had...

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 13:08

Let me start with a dream I just remembered having before I woke up. My grade school friends, now grown along with others, were serving breakfast to everyone in my small town but only about a dozen folks were at the small rectangular tables. That was a decent showing for such a town and the day was young. The breakfast for all was where the grocery store in town used to be, the center of Main Street )opposite now a remodeled church that serves as the Children's Theater Space and is actually called The Center on Main. 

In my dream, my eighth grade friends, now in their early 50s like me, were