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ups and downs in life

For Blood Pressure Health, Check Your SWEAT--Stress, Worry, Eating, Activity, Talking Levels

on Mon, 06/04/2018 - 03:07

Some of these acronyms pop up in my mind before I'm awake. I'm lucky if I can get my brain to shift into gear and catch the idea as though a fish on a line and reel it in. Then if I can Remember it a few minutes or more later when I am up and running so much the better.

For every idea I remember a dozen or so get on by the ol' memory bank. I actually met a professor at a NY University who was researching how the brain remembers things using mathematical algorhythms.

Cool as that was to hear, I didn't think I'd take time to make note of it, but wha-la, he got a little billing here.

The lady