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Time to Fill out the online if you haven't (even if part-time)

Check Out Filing with the to Secure Federal Funds for your area. Every Address Needs to be Accounted for...and every person!

on Mon, 07/06/2020 - 04:15

 Would You be willing to print and post the attached Census flyers and display them on your Social media sites? (I'm working on this part...but read the outreach note I got from a friend...)

 At this time, there are areas of Litchfield County that need a little "reminder" to reply to the 2020 Census.

Your support in helping get the message out to the community is very important.

A complete population count in Salisbury CT and surrounding towns will  help Salisbury and surrounding towns/ villages receive a fair share of Federal funding for schools, healthcare, police, fire and other social