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Team Players for Survival on Earth A Good Game Plan This Veterans' Day...:Let's Get Learning and Do This Thing Called Save Plan-It Earth and Humanity

This Veterans' Day, Thanking All Who Served in Military and Other Parts of Life too, maybe all of us really!

on Fri, 11/11/2022 - 17:39

A moment of thanks and reflection (among many) for all people have done to live with care and respect, courage and more. Many who have been braved or been harmed (however) in the challenges and battles of life (which come in many forms) can be counted in the circle of those who 'fought the good fight' to live fully and then possibly paid it forward, even with injury or total loss of life to help others, or as organ donors to help others...

Those 'choices or paths were possibly planned with many angelic guides long maybe from a time long before they took human form some theories and people