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suicide prevention

Whose heard of Ghost Networks (for reaching a medical or mental health provider..) that "No Longer Take Your Insurance or Clients" etc

on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 22:09

From another FB post with an article from Bloomberg Business Week about the decline in health care providers accepting insurance or cutting people off from services. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (as well as the Veterans Crisis Line) is 1-800-273-8255.

I learned a lot. In MN, a class action suit with some of the families who suffered loss of coverage, which likely contributed to one or more losing a loved one to suicide, some progress was made in holding the company accountable..

"As Suicides Rise, Insurers  Find Ways to Deny Mental Health Coverage". by Koons and Tozzi is the

Where to Begin (often hard to know til it's serious...) but Let's Try to Talk About It!

on Thu, 02/22/2018 - 15:55
Hello All (to family and friends but now my wider circles)..Not the easiest topic or title but the overall idea is that one person is very connected to others..and the pain for others can be very difficult if one is despairing or taking extreme measures to end their internal suffering or cope with difficult emotions.
 The overall idea to take good care of oneself with a sense of support whether online or hotlines, information or talking with people in one's community, circle and family is one that is shared as well.