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Here's an inspiring talk for Women, but Everyone Can Benefit from Supporting Good Efforts!

on Thu, 12/05/2019 - 19:23  What's a bit crazy is that I wrote an extensive FB post on the Northwest Corner Chatter to promote more networking with existing groups and  area resources but hadn't posted this link so when I went to put a copy of that post on my blog, all I got was the youtube link about Helping Women Succeed with friendship and funding and lots more. So maybe we'll focus on that...and much of what I said is on this handy dandy blog.

Meanwhile I mentioned there used to a be a Floating Women's Center in the northwest corner of CT and there is currently a group called Walking

#Bro'KLYN when Inspiration Strikes and the Big Love Catches On! Now's As Good A Time As Any and Timely!

on Thu, 02/08/2018 - 22:37

Brilliant, loving ideas come to me sometimes..and if I am awake or mostly awake I try to write them down. A week or two back I was seeing the connection between my teen son's name Kaelan and Brother Kaelan..and Brooklyn (NY but there is also one in CT I am now recalling, and in MN where I know some wonderful folks..including twins in the Twin Cities...)

The overall idea now will be to launch an idea to the world..yes, you and yours and cities and states and countries and everything else while we're at it.