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Wishing All a Peaceful, Light-Filled Solstice and Sensational Rest of December 2020

on Sun, 12/20/2020 - 23:03

These past few weeks have found me hunkering down helping someone with basic housework, meals and care plan options for getting homecare in CT vs NY. All I can say if Everyone Do Their Homework Now to take advantage possibly of NY terms that may be rather helpful now but with laws changing April 1st, 2021...with a month added to look back times and so forth, don't just think about things, consider getting a team and really following through with establishing residency for a month and so on.

That is a tip about taking time to learn and implement with support and information from reliable,

There's No Missing The Solstice in Terms of Plan-It Heart's Location from the Sun and Such

on Sun, 12/22/2019 - 14:41

Is anyone else tuning more into what the solstice means beyond 'a special day on the calendar near Hannukah and Christmas'? Should grade school children be introduced to the scientific and cultural meanings? What about other insights from visionaries and such? I want to summarize more of what I've been learning but the jist is it's a special time for the earth and humanity... location, location, location wise but also how that affects the light and our proximity to the sun (we're much closer this year than last but still tilted so chilly in the NE of America.)

This year in 2019 it's special