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Kudos and Hugs to all who got into a College or Found Work or Are Doing Well in Life with a Dream and Support!

on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 12:48

The President of Bard College is Leon Botstein and he was born (according to Wikipedia) Dec 14th, 1946 for those who may like to look up meanings (Chinese astrology by the year, regular astrology, or even in a more general sense The Enneagram or Chinese elemental type) or make connections with such things as the Sandy Hook tragedy which was 12-14-12..Knowing of positive events on a certain date can be a counterpoint event to remember every day not only can have its troubles but is the birthdate of about 9 million people,mostly wonderful people with good lives YetI digress, but that's part of

Many Voices can open up Many Choices

on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 19:44

Many voices can open up many choices--with added info!

I have been doing advocacy for all parents and adults to voluntarily learn about ways to care for children and even themselves. Our society is designed to allow people great freedom and then to arrest them when they “break the law.” There are many domestic abuse laws as well as ways to nurture self and others, care for children and elderly on with free print-outs of “power wheels.” Taking 10 minutes to look up these key sites could save people 10 years and more of hassle, that’s a better deal than most get on