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Remembering Loved Ones as Birthdays and Holidays Come Round

After Holiday Shopping Online Blues..figuring out how to pay for things logistically and in a timely manner...Looking for sponsors for future months is on my 2018 Wish List

on Thu, 12/28/2017 - 21:49

Dear Great Coach for Business and Life,(and all who may find compassion for this kind of bookkeeping snaffew...let's see how this all turns out...)

 Regarding the payment for one month in your new group effort that I thought went through, I am getting the news that it did not. I am figuring out options after learning of the old credit card not going through, which is understandable, but I didn't realize I had tried to use that. I thought I used a new card number.

 I have had a bit of a juggling act going on with my new credit card.