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Problems Most People Can't Imagine but all could learn about 'just in case'

There are more caring people helping others plan for 'end of life issues' and options, but they are not all equal...and only scratch the surface of what many need to consider

on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 00:43

The Five Wishes is a helpful document many organizations and people promote as an icebreaker and way to help people 'plan for a healthcare agent and give guidance about what kind of treatment they would want if they came to needing more help near the end of life.' That's a good start yet I have trained with the folks who do MIDEO and they encourage people to review their offer to be as specific with the correct medical terms as possible to 'avoid confusion' and to be clear with one's healthcare agent. See for more information.

It would seem there could be a national (if not