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Recycling In Winter and Throughout the Seasons of Our Lives--Lend a Hand While Still on Land

on Fri, 11/02/2018 - 19:29

You never know where a good deed will lead...and generally that's down a path of very cool networking and nice things in return...but sometimes Not So Much (or At All...) But our game of life with the big IF in the middle is full of Possibil-I-Ties. The "I" in that means any one of in you or I, or other friend or family member, neighbor, fellow student or group member.

That realm of the one and the many having some interplay intentionally and even without a plan is being touted as the new insight we want to play to our advantage...and for our fellow creatures and life forms on the

From Holiday Magic 2016 to the not so silent scream (a famous painting and sometime real enacted scream night before exams at college etc), the Possibilities we Need to Network about for Survival or Graceful Acceptance of the Next Realm...

on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 15:27

Kudos to all finding a reason to enjoy the season in a positive way. Even learning a thing or two along the way makes sense (see my post on about magnetic pole shifts...maybe Santa needs to guide the way not only his sleigh...and let's remember our Noah and the Ark stories of teamwork and saving life while we're at it should this 'turn of a century' happen sooner rather than not, which Linda Moulton Howe and Gordon Scallion among many others are saying is likely.

Some say there can be ups and downs for decades and then 'all at once' it might give way, and maybe our times fit