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Nancy Marine Theatre Online 10 minute plays 2021

Info from The Warner Theatre site (google that in Torrington CT), online 10 min plays running for 2 weeks at a time (Donations welcome)

on Thu, 02/04/2021 - 02:55
PERMANENT INK by Charlene Donaghy (CT) is the companion piece of ALWAYS A LINE, which was produced during the 8th Annual International Playwrights Festival. As a bonus, we will be including that production after this year's performance in the same stream presentation!
The presentation will remain available for viewing on our YouTube channel and Facebook page until 2/11 at 11:59 pm. The production is directed by Sharon W. Houk and features Josh Newey and Jeff Savage. There is no fee to watch but donations are always accepted. This virtual festival is made possible with a generous donation