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Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton ( 1993-2009)

With too much time passing quickly, sharing a minute long video that warms the heart about our dear teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton, who passed in June 2009 trying to save another (who thankfully was saved) from a wild river scene...

on Sat, 06/17/2017 - 04:38 is the link to a video over a few thousand have seen and been moved by. Thanks to his good friend who put this up shortly after his passing. I was new to Facebook after his final day on earth but 'people were talking about what transpired there' and after a few days or weeks, I tuned into try to learn about all of that. We were interviewed as we were willing to be by a couple of news stations, and a few second clip was taken.

Those are online and so is his Memorial Service, with an inserted live clip or two such as in this first segmentÂ