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Juel Ulven Memorial Concert Nov. 5th

Juel Ulven being celebrated in a Memorial Concert Friday, Nov. 5th (live-streamed)

on Fri, 11/04/2022 - 00:18

From a friend Debra Cowan... Now hear this (and join in the special event coming right up...and share this post please!)

This Sat., Nov. 5 Debra Cowan be participating in a memorial concert celebrating Juel Ulven, who was the mover and shaker for the Fox Valley Folklore Society.

Deb considered Juel a dear friend and he was passionate about all kinds of folk music. As Deb's dear friend, Andrew Cohen (who will also be performing) said,

"He [Juel] was all about time depth, and at the same time, continuity. Thanks to him, a lot of old stuff got a few good licks in."

The concert will be a