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Healthy Eating

Start This Spring 2018 with Info from about Diabetes--for prevention and management

on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 16:08

 You never know who you'll meet when you go to the park in New York. It helps if there are some dogs to see who are 'off leash' during the hours that are okay for that and have a minute to visit with the owners (thank them, inquire what dog care requires in the city, if kids are part of the dog's life--most are but even if that's the case, always ask the owner and use common sense, because 'there can always be first time a nice doggie nips or knocks someone over, especially a little tot for instance.)

But back to the Who Did I meet and How that connects to Diabetes...I met 'by chance' the, Bright Line Eating, How NOT to Die (book) and more online interesting healthy eating ideas online

on Sat, 11/11/2017 - 17:36

Who has hasn't heard of Ocean Robbins and his dad John who was part of the Baskin Robbins Icecream enterprise? Ocean and his tribe is offering programs to promote healthy eating through free power hours (which play for limited times) and more comprehensive online programs. Some ideas I've read in the comments section is that 'not all oils are healthy for one'...they can block the production of nitric oxide.

Maybe even coconut and olive oil are in the troubling realm, even though there are plenty of other studies would say 'cold-pressed oils (not heated) organic are okay if not helpful...'