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fresh starts

One on Mon October 1st (and each month thereafter)--Get Ready, Set, Go!

on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 22:54

What's happening at 1 on Monday October 1st in the afternoon?

We'll find out soon for 2012 for "Oak"tober, and can discover anew what we think, feel, appreciate and aspire to on NOvember 1st  (Remembering to VOTE for the new President now in 2020 too, and including a sense of what we do Not want to pursue or support or be impacted by personally, locally and globally, then to recall again the YES list for December 1st, and on into 2013 (and now into 2020) from January 1st, February 1st, and March 1st.,

Then there's April 1st (a very special day to remember those who have crossed over in the