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Extinction Rebellion

Life Care Specialist...or "Elderly Care Consultant.." or End Of Life Doula (EOLD) roles all seek to assist people to face health challenges and declines in health and mortality...

on Sun, 01/13/2019 - 21:16

As part of a group of caring individuals who have taken trainings to become an "E-OLD" or  End of Life Doula (a support person in terms of information and care, not as a medical, legal or social service professional), we share many ideas.

One that is coming up is about 'what to call ourselves' in terms of what people can readily understand, consider and accept to help us connect with them in a caring, non-medical, non-legal yet professional manner. Some may feel 'all of this information' is online or easy enough to find with help from a librarian, a doctor or senior center or attorney.