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Debra Poneman's Say Yes To Success Taking Off with Good Results and Enthusiasm

We need to order up what we want from a catalogue, in a restaurant or Life! Maybe Shoppers are gurus in disguise!

on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 01:24

Hello to Everybuddy from the third session of Debra Poneman's Say Yes To Success with 1300 other people from around the world! Apparently we were 'hand-picked' and represent the world to help the river of grace flow in humanity.

Talk about Christmas in July, we're working on wish lists to Be, Do, See with abandon. We can dream big or as a team...much like the energy of this awesome group. There are a ton of bonuses by the way, so consider the possibility as I did. There was a 30 day money back guarantee (of the 100 dollar investment) and can keep the bonuses.

Putting things in a positive to